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Raising children is not easy. If you want your children to grow up to be mentally strong adults, this is quite a challenge; it is a requirement that parents also remain strong. This is especially difficult when you see your child struggling, having to face their own fears or learn that they are responsible for their own mistakes. But these are precisely the experiences children need to grow into strong adults.
Parents who raise their children to be strong adults therefore do not do the following things:
1. They do not give in to the victim mentality.
Sitting on the bench during the football match or staying out of school for a year does not make your child a victim. Rejection, failure and dishonesty are part of life. Instead of allowing your children to dwell in their sadness, it is better to turn your child’s struggle into a strength. Let your child be disappointed, but then try to see the positive in situations together with your child, no matter how difficult this is sometimes.
2. They don’t parent from guilt
Feelings of guilt can lead to a long list of unhealthy parenting strategies. Such as giving in to your child after you had already said no or spoiling your child too much during holidays. Strong parents know that feelings of guilt are annoying, but they are part of it. They do not allow their feelings of guilt to get in the way of making wise choices.
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3. They Don’t See Their Children As The Center Of The Universe
It can be tempting to make your entire world revolve around your child. But children who think the whole world revolves around them become selfish. Strong parents teach their children what they have to offer the world, rather than what the world owes them.
4 .They Don’t Let Fear Influence Their Choices
Keeping your child within a protective bubble can save you a lot of anxiety. But if you keep your children too safe, you hinder their development. Strong parents see themselves as guides, not protectors. They allow their children to explore and experience the world, even when it is scary to let them go.
5. They don’t give their children control over them
Children who decide what the family eats that night or who determines how the family spends the weekend have too much control or power. It is not healthy for children to be treated as an equal or even as a boss. Strong parents encourage their children to make choices while maintaining hierarchy.
6. They Don’t Expect Perfection
There’s nothing wrong with high expectations, but expecting too much from your children isn’t healthy. Strong parents realize that their children will not be the best at everything. Instead of pushing your children to be better than others, focus on helping your children be the best versions of themselves.
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7. They give children responsibility
You will never hear strong parents say things like: “I don’t want to bother my children with chores, children should be children.” No, strong parents expect children to help out every now and then in order to learn the skills to become helpful people. They teach children to take responsibility for the choices they make
8. They let their children make their own mistakes
We learn from mistakes and our children also learn from the mistakes they make. Strong parents allow their children to make mistakes and thus allow them to experience the consequences of their actions.
9. They don’t always make it easy for themselves by avoiding irritations.
Giving in when a child whines, doing your child’s chores yourself, and cleaning up your child’s room yourself: it’s easy and it saves a lot of whining and irritation. , but this sends the wrong message to a child. As a parent, you have to be strong enough to sometimes tolerate the discomfort and let your child handle things themselves, even if this is accompanied by whining and grumbling.
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10. They don’t forget their norms and values
It’s so easy to get caught up in the daily hustle and bustle of family and work. But this can cause you to lose sight of what is important to you, what the norms and values of the family are. Strong parents know the norms and values of the family and ensure that the family lives according to these norms and values.
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