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We swipe away. We judge others based on a fleeting first impression. And if we’re not completely satisfied with who we’re talking to, we swipe away. Many of these methods are nothing less than a meat market , where you mainly judge the other person’s appearance.
It used to be different. Back then, dating was less about looks and more about personal qualities. Old school dating was romantic: you took your time asking someone out, you made sure they had a nice date and even gave a thoughtful gift.
What is old school dating?
Old school dating was a lot cooler and more profound than dating today. Many people are too busy to focus on the person they want to win their heart. They are too busy on their phones and forget to really connect. So there are many things we can learn from old school dating.
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13 Things You Can Learn From The Past
Of course, not everything was good in those days. Some things had to be unlearned and redefined, but we can still learn a lot from those times. We will tell you about the 13 things from the past that you can learn from.
1. Indicate what your intentions are
One of the useful dating rules of the past is to be clear about your intentions. What is your intention? When a man met a woman, he was not afraid to share his intentions. Forget playing hard to get and ask the other person on your first date what he or she wants from this date.
2. Ask the other person out
Back in the day, there were no smartphones or social media. You had to ask someone out the old-school way: face to face . This also made it a lot more formal. When you do this, you really take the time to ask someone out. You show the old-school way that you appreciate that person , take the time for him or her and that you really do your best to make sure you have a nice date. And as a plus, you can also see the other person’s real reaction right away.
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3. Be on time
Be old school and respect other people’s schedules. Sure, we all have busy lives these days. And yes, it’s not easy to always be on time. But if there’s one occasion where you should be, it’s on a date. Fashionably late wasn’t a thing back in the day. Being on time shows the other person that you respect their time. You wouldn’t let your date wait for you, right?
4. Stick to old-school ways
Having and showing good manners used to be essential during dating. Your behavior could show that you were a suitable partner. How do you do that? Hold the door open for your date, don’t put your elbows on the table and open the car door for your date. It may seem a bit cliché, but many people still appreciate it.
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5. Give a thoughtful gift
In the past, people gave each other thoughtful gifts while dating. These didn’t have to be expensive or fancy, think of a bouquet of flowers, chocolates or a book . Dating is all about the little things that show you care. Bringing a small gift to a date shows how thoughtful you are.
6. Be faithful
In the past, you could be proud of the fact that you had one partner. Nowadays, some people even brag about secretly having multiple partners or having an affair . Because of this, the word love loses its meaning. Being faithful and loyal : these are beautiful qualities that you can be proud of.
7. Apologize if necessary
Nowadays, many people find it difficult to apologize. It is a way to show that you care about your partner’s feelings. Apologizing does not make you weak, it means that you are strong enough to face your mistakes. No one wants to be with someone who cannot accept mistakes or take the blame for their mistakes.
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8. Communicate with each other
Communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship . If you can’t talk to your partner, who can you talk to? Communication is more than just saying how you feel. It involves understanding the other person and really getting to know them. Good communication takes time to build. Pay attention to your partner’s needs and spend quality time together.
9. Help each other grow
Relationships are meant to ultimately bring out the best in each other. Avoid the idea that you have to compete with your partner. You are meant to help each other grow. Relationships are stronger when partners want the best for each other and help each other achieve it. It is important to always be there for the other person when they need you, not just when it is convenient for you.
Read some old love stories. The couples in these stories always stood side by side, whether they had a lot or a little. The idea that you are a team together is very important in a relationship. You are not a competitor, although it can sometimes seem that way in today’s individualistic society.
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10. Keep your focus on the date
Many people are often distracted by other things during a date. By other people, what is happening around them, but especially by their phone. There are few people who turn off their phone or do not look at their phone at all during a date. Try to give your full attention to the date, just like people used to do. Enjoy your company and the moment.
11. Keep your relationship private
Social media has made it so that you have very little privacy. But it is certainly not impossible. In the past, people did not have social media and the urge to share your relationship with the whole world was therefore much less. You do not need the opinion of others at all. It is your relationship.
12. Save sex for later
In the past, many people had sex later than they do now. People waited longer to have sex . Any form of intimacy often only happened when they were in a relationship or when they got married. If you want to be inspired by old school dating, you can try to do this too. Focus more on getting to know the other person better and don’t get distracted by intimacy.
13. Spend time together without technology
It sounds old-fashioned, but try spending a day together completely without technology. You’ll be surprised at the kind of conversations you’ll have with your date. Enjoy each other’s company, talk, cuddle, go for a walk together or read a book together. Paying attention to a potential partner is a lot easier when all technology is out of the way for a while. It helps you discover who a person really is, without being distracted by other things.
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