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You sit at the table, your eyes fixed on him as he laughs at a joke someone else makes. He’s looked at you plenty of times, but his signals are so confusing sometimes. You’ve been talking to him for hours, but you can’t get that one question out of your head: “Does he like me?” Your heart pounds faster at the thought of his possible feelings for you , and you can’t wait to find out what’s going on in his head.
He seems interested in your life, asking personal questions and smiling in a way that melts you. But then the doubts start to creep in. Is it just politeness, or is there really something between you? You can’t help but hope that he shares your feelings. But because he never goes beyond showing interest, the uncertainty keeps gnawing at you, waiting for a sign that will reveal everything.
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21 Signs He Really Likes You
While women can sometimes feel like a puzzle with their complex thought processes, men are thankfully more likely to drop hints when they are interested in you. If a guy likes you, he will show it – both subconsciously and consciously. Let’s take a look at the signs you can pick up if he really likes you.
1. He’s constantly watching you
Even when you’re in the middle of an engaging conversation or busy doing something else, you’ll notice that his eyes are always on you. If he’s looking at you more often than others, that’s a strong indication that he’s into you. Men like to look at women they like, more than they sometimes would like (because it’s noticeable). And if he smiles at you during your conversations, you can be pretty sure that he likes you.
2. He gives you pet names
He has created a unique nickname for you that only exists between the two of you. From chicken and curly to smurf and snout: it is his way of letting you know that you are something special to him, something he cherishes.
3. He makes plans to see you again
There is no clearer sign of interest than when he suggests hanging out together. If he wants to make arrangements to meet up again, you can be sure that he has feelings for you that are more than just friendship.
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4. He regularly seeks physical contact
He takes every opportunity to touch you, whether it’s a gentle touch on your arm or a playful nudge. Physical contact is his way of getting closer and letting you know that he really likes you.
5. He doesn’t give up easily
Imagine that you have to cancel a date . Pay attention to how he reacts. If he immediately suggests another day or keeps the possibility of meeting at another time open, this indicates that he enjoys spending time with you. If he is genuinely interested, he will not give up easily, even if you cannot meet up one time.
6. He remembers small details from your conversations
He remembers not only what you said, but also the little details that others tend to forget. Whether it’s your favorite flower or the name of your pet, he listens (really) and keeps that information as precious treasures.
7. He wants to talk to you a lot
A man who enjoys talking to you is giving you a clear signal that he wants more than just superficial conversations. Men aren’t always known for their deep conversations, but if he’s willing to talk a lot, it’s a sign that he’s really interested. Men don’t just share their deepest thoughts. So if he does, you can assume he’s into you.
8. He makes excuses to be near you
He finds reasons to be around you, even if it doesn’t serve any apparent purpose. Whether it’s running errands together or just hanging out, he’s always looking for ways to be close to you.
9. He surprises you with spontaneous gestures of affection
Whether it’s an unexpected hug or a loving kiss on your forehead, he shows his affection at the most unexpected moments. His spontaneous gestures show that he likes you.
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10. He acts nervous or shy around you
Men can get quite nervous when they are in love, just like women. When you are together, you can tell that he sometimes becomes awkward or shy. His nerves betray his feelings for you; he wants to make the right impression and that can sometimes make him seem a bit awkward.
11. He wants to know everything about you
He seems to want to become an encyclopedia of your life. He wants to know what your parents do for a living, what your first pet was called, and even what your favorite music is. When a guy is this curious about you, it’s a sign that he’s really invested and wants to get to know you as a person. He’s not just scratching the surface, he wants to dig deeper.
12. He responds quickly to your messages
There’s nothing more frustrating than someone who ignores you for hours before responding. But if he likes you, he’ll want to respond to your messages as soon as possible and keep the conversation going. He won’t keep you waiting and will ask questions to keep the conversation interesting. There’s no doubt about it, he’s interested.
13. He teases you playfully
His teasing is like winks in the form of words. He challenges you, but always with a smile and in a playful way . Teasing girls, asking for kisses? It’s his way to put a smile on your face and strengthen your bond.
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14. He gives you presents
Whether it’s a small thing or a bigger gesture, he likes to surprise you with gifts. When he goes on vacation with his friends, he buys you a souvenir. He pays attention to what you like and wants to show you that you are special to him.
15. He wants to spend time with you
He is constantly thinking of new plans to be together, whether it is a romantic date or just an afternoon walk. He enjoys your company and wants to take every possible opportunity to be with you.
16. He texts or calls you often
Your phone lights up regularly with messages from him, and you hear his voice on the other end of the line regularly. He is constantly looking for ways to stay in touch and talk to you, even if it is just to ask how your day was.
17. He compliments you regularly
He showers you with compliments, from your smile to your intelligence. He always sees something special about you and he wants you to know it. His words make you shine from within. And of course there is a reason for that: he is giving you the hint that he wants to be more than friends.
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18. He gets jealous when other men get too close
When other men get too close to you, you notice how his gaze sharpens and his demeanor changes. He can’t hide his feelings for you, and that’s a clear sign that he considers you “his.”
19. He shares personal stories and secrets with you
Men aren’t exactly known for being the best talkers, but men in love are. Does he open up to you and share his deepest thoughts and secrets? You can take that as a sign that he likes you.
20. He commits himself to you
If he buys tickets to a concert that’s three months away, you can bet he’s not planning on disappearing from your life anytime soon. He’s not only trying to commit himself to you, he’s hoping you want the same. If you want to know if he’s really interested, ask him if he wants to schedule something in a month and see how he reacts.
21. He just says it
Sometimes it’s all so simple. There are men who are just straight up and tell you that they like you. If he dares to say that, you don’t have to doubt any longer. He means it.
If you have met someone who makes you happy and meets several of these signals, then it is time to accept it: he likes you. Sometimes it may seem complicated, but remember that everyone is different when it comes to expressing love. Enjoy it and don’t worry too much.
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