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Prevent burnout: Do you have the right balance between energy givers and energy guzzlers at work?
Prevent burnout: Do you have the right balance between energy givers and energy guzzlers at work?
A healthy and productive working environment is necessary if you want to prevent burnout and is based on the delicate balance between energy givers and energy depleters. Energizers are elements that promote positive energy and motivation, while energy drainers are factors that can cause fatigue and stress. It is critical to recognize and cultivate this…
The anti-stress mineral Magnesium
The anti-stress mineral Magnesium
Stress, restlessness, anxiety, headaches, poor sleep, stiffened, hardened and cramped muscles. These are some examples of symptoms that indicate a need for higher magnesium levels. Impressive, huh? When I became burned out, I started looking into factors that could help me in the recovery process. One of these factors, you guessed it, is Magnesium. To the people…

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