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If someone treats you badly in a relationship, it can destroy everything. From your self-confidence, self-esteem to your relationships with others and your work. It is not good for your mental health and if it happens repeatedly it can slowly turn into physical complaints. Does your partner treat you badly? Then it is high time to take action.
You don’t deserve to be in a relationship where you are treated poorly. No one deserves that, not even you. A relationship should make you feel happy, confident and safe.
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8 things you need to do
Does your partner treat you badly? Then it may be time to temporarily separate or to end the relationship permanently. You deserve a partner who treats you wonderfully. These are 8 things to do when someone treats you badly in a relationship.
1. Ask yourself, “Why do I let my partner treat me badly?”
Most people ask themselves the question “Why does my partner treat me badly?” But this is not the question you should ask yourself. Instead, it’s important to determine why you’re allowing this to happen. Why do you allow yourself to be treated badly?
Low self-esteem and insecurity are often the common reasons. Trying to see the good in everyone also often results in apologizing for other people’s mistakes. Or maybe you have a wrong idea of what a relationship should look like.
2. Communicate your feelings
It is important to communicate your feelings with your partner. You may have never done this before and it feels uncomfortable. Then try it out with family or friends first. This can give you more confidence for the moment you have the conversation in real life. Communicate what your wishes and needs are and what you think needs to change. Tell us what bothers you and tell us how you feel about it. If you don’t make it clear that you are being treated poorly, it will never stop.
3. Don’t blame yourself
Remember that no matter how badly your partner treats you, it is never your fault. It’s never okay. You are responsible for your own problems and actions, just as your partner is. If your partner doesn’t respect you , that’s on him or her too. Recognize that it is never your fault, even if your partner says it is.
Victims of abuse often blame themselves. You may also feel depressed, helpless and inadequate. In addition, you may feel ashamed of the situation or have feelings of guilt for your partner’s behavior. But no one deserves to be in a relationship that constantly hurts.
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4. Work on your own problems
If you have low self-esteem or do not treat yourself with respect, you are more likely to end up in a relationship where you are treated poorly. Because if you don’t respect yourself, it’s unlikely that other people will do the same. Someone else’s actions are of course not your fault, but it is important that you do not end up in a relationship where you feel worthless.
Sometimes outside help can help you see problems that you cannot see yourself. For example, a family member or friend may have noticed you making excuses for your partner’s bad behavior. A therapist can also recognize a pattern in your partner’s behavior that is alarming.
5. Understand what the term “abuse” means
Sometimes abuse can occur in your relationship without you even realizing it. This way you can slowly end up in a toxic relationship without even realizing it. After a good conversation, your partner is very nice and understanding? This may be true, but if the next day he or she shouts all kinds of hurtful things in an argument or treats you manipulatively, you have to understand that the relationship is not good for you.
Abuse in a relationship often occurs in a cycle. Make sure you recognize this and make sure that you are not always pulled back into the relationship after a ‘good’ conversation.
6. Seek help from a therapist
If you both recognize that there is a problem, seeking help from a relationship therapist can be very helpful for both of you. One can give advice that you may not have thought of yet. This can give you useful information about your specific situation. A therapist can also address deep-seated problems.
Suppose your partner experienced abuse as a child, then there is a good chance that this will spill over into an adult relationship. A therapist can answer your questions and help you get happiness and love back into the relationship.
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7. Indicate your limits
Before you talk to your partner, it is important to set and indicate your boundaries. How do you want to be treated and what does a good relationship look like in your mind? Make sure you set healthy boundaries. And ask yourself why you find it difficult to set boundaries in your relationship.
8. Know when to leave
It can be difficult to leave a loved one. But if you have done everything possible to change the behavior, but nothing changes and respect is not forthcoming, then it is high time to end the relationship. Make sure you prioritize your own happiness and mental health by distancing yourself from anyone who treats you poorly.
Unfortunately, no matter how much you would like to, you cannot change people . Is there abuse? In any form? Then leave as quickly as possible. Abusive relationships don’t change overnight.
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