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Do you also need peace, a tidy house and perhaps a good book when you are exhausted and stressed? Then playing with your toddler is probably not an activity that allows you, as an introverted mother, to recharge your batteries…
Introverted parents can also be super social and involved with their children, but at the end of a hectic day we recharge in a different way than our extroverted friends. If you are an introvert and become a mother, this can be quite a shock. You suddenly have little time for yourself anymore. And no, your baby really doesn’t chat to you all day and doesn’t make noise all day, but still. You are never really alone anymore when you become a mother. That is why below you will find 4 tips that you can use as an introverted mother:
1. Don’t feel guilty if you like to get away from your kids for a while.
Do you also find it a wonderful time of the day when your kids are in bed for a while? That’s fine! You love your kids, but you also love the time they spend in bed sleeping. If you are an introverted parent, you may find that you would like more time for yourself and that’s okay! Seriously, it doesn’t make you a bad mom if you enjoy having time for yourself.
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2 . Try to avoid not making time for yourself.
Your children want to be with you, sit on your lap, ask for your attention and sometimes this can be a bit too much as an introverted mother. If you are a true introvert, you need time alone to replenish your ‘patience reserves’. If you also work outside the home during the day, you absolutely need this time for yourself.
So make this time. Grab a magazine, say you have to go to the toilet and spend an extra 10 minutes there. If possible, sneak out for a walk in the evening or maybe get your family out of the house for an hour or two over the weekend. The park, the swimming pool, visiting grandparents are great activities for your husband and children without you. And again: Don’t feel guilty for asking for or taking this time for yourself. You’ll be a nicer, more patient, and better parent if you take the time to recharge every now and then.
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3. Try not to isolate yourself too much
This sounds a bit contradictory, but introverts can also spend too much time alone. Yes, you have the constant company of your baby or children, but they don’t give you the same conversations, laughs and motivation as your friends. So plan time to drink coffee, walk or have a drink with your friends. You will see that you enjoy your alone time even more if you also make some time outside your ‘nest’ and vice versa.
4. It doesn’t always stay this way
Eventually your children will go to primary school and you will see that they grow up quickly. That they need you less and less. Then your children come home after a day of school and you see happy faces that are happy to see you again. You will notice that you will slowly have more time for yourself. Time that you can use to read books, clean the house, go for a walk or whatever you do to recharge. The chaos you are in now exhausts you, as an introverted mother, but it will pass. Try to enjoy it and don’t forget yourself!
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