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The Internet has created a whole new world of words and abbreviations. It’s like a secret language that only online insiders understand. Remember the good old days of MSN Messenger? That’s where it all started. We used to abbreviate everything from “brb” to “lol.” Then came texting. We were limited to a handful of characters per message, so you can imagine how quickly we started abbreviating. “Tnx” instead of “thanks,” and “drm” instead of “so.” It was a revolution in language, and we loved it.
But the best is yet to come, because these days, dating and chat apps are the place to be for abbreviations. You stumble across abbreviations like ‘FWB’ and ‘Versa’ and wonder what the heck they mean. Well, you’re not alone. Sometimes it feels like we’ve invented a new alphabet. So, let’s decipher those secret codes together and explore the digital world of abbreviations.
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General abbreviations
- ASAP: the abbreviation for as soon as possible .
- ASL: Often used in chat programs as an abbreviation for Age, Sex, Location ; in Dutch age, gender and where you are.
- BRB: be right back , be right back.
- BS: bullshit or nonsense.
- BTW: by the way , in Dutch by the way.
- HVJ: the abbreviation for ‘I love you’.
- IIG: anyway.
- IRL: in real life or in real life.
- LOL: the abbreviation for laughing out loud , for when someone laughs out loud.
- S6: Wishing someone success.
- W8: awake.
- WTF: what the fuck of in Dutch; what is this?
- DM: Send a personal message ( direct message ).
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Sex abbreviations
In addition to the general terms that are used everywhere, there are also abbreviations that you will not or hardly encounter on mainstream dating apps. However, these abbreviations are frequently used on sex dating websites and gay apps . These are common sex abbreviations:
- Bottom line: On gay chat sites , men mean by this that they like to be the receiver.
- Top: With this term, gay men indicate that they like to give.
- Versa: A man who uses this term has no preference for bottom or top.
- BB: bareback , or sex without a condom.
- BDSM: the abbreviation for bondage , discipline, dominance, submission, sadism and masochism.
- FF: indicating that one enjoys sex with fists.
- NSA: The abbreviation for No Strings Attached .
- PnP: The abbreviation for Party and Play , or using drugs during sex.
- PP: poppers.
- Chems: sex under the influence of drugs such as cocaine, ecstasy or GHB.
- BBBJ: The abbreviation for Bare Back Blow Job , or a blowjob without a condom.
- Bear: Short for a big hairy man.
- Daddy: the man who acts as a father type.
- GFE: The abbreviation for GirlFriend Experience .
- Holebi: the abbreviation for homosexual, lesbian, bisexual.
- LGBT/LGBTQ: The abbreviation for lesbian, gay , bisexual, transgender and queer.
- LGBT / LGBTQ: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer.
- PMC: Blowjob With Condom.
- PZC: Blowjob Without Condom.
- Poz/+: HIV positive.
- TS: transsexual.
- + (the plus sign): HIV positive.
- (G)BBS: (No) Beard, Glasses and/or Moustache.
- Hook up: arrange to meet for sex.
- ONS: one-night stand
- FWB: friends with benefits.
- DTF: down to fuck , ready to have sex.
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Dating termen
- Ghosting : Someone suddenly disappears during a date and is never heard from again.
- Benching : Someone only seeks contact when he or she feels like it.
- Friends with benefits : friendship and sex, but no romantic relationship.
- Casual dating : sex dates, but no relationship.
- FBO : The abbreviation for Facebook official, which means the relationship is announced on Facebook.
- Breadcrumbing : giving someone just enough attention so that they don’t lose interest.
- Haunting : Someone who ghosted someone else but then came back to life.
- Rebound : A sexual experience or relationship with someone else after a long relationship.
- Zombieing : when someone makes themselves heard again after a long time.
- Stashing : When the partner is never introduced to family and friends.
- Catfish : When someone pretends to be someone else online.
- Fuckbuddy : same as friends with benefits.
- Fuckboy : a man who doesn’t want a relationship, but does want sex with different women.
- Sugar daddy : a man who pays for sex and intercourse with a woman.
- Gaslighting : A manipulative relationship tactic in relationships.
We all know that the online dating landscape is a treasure trove of abbreviations and terms that sometimes seem like a secret code. Whether you’re on a gay dating site or a straight chat app, you’re bound to come across them. Abbreviations have transformed the dating world.
It’s amazing how a few letters can open the door to someone’s preferences and identity. Whether it’s “FWB” on a gay chat site or “NSA” on a straight dating app, acronyms tell a story without a lot of words. It’s like getting a sneak peek into what’s behind someone before you dive deeper into a conversation.
Online, men and women use all these abbreviations and terms to quickly let people know who they are, what they are looking for, and what their preferences are. These abbreviations are thrown around everywhere, especially on gay dating sites , but even on straight chat apps you will encounter them regularly.
Have you ever been confused by an abbreviation and had no idea what it meant? Don’t worry, it happens to all of us. Instead of guessing or fumbling around, you can always just politely ask what the person means. It’s better to ask directly than to make a wrong guess.
What makes it even more interesting is that the meaning of the same abbreviation can vary depending on who you ask. So, the next time you come across a mysterious abbreviation, don’t hesitate to ask. At least now you know what the most common meaning is, and that can come in pretty handy in the online dating jungle.
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